Frequently Asked Questions

BlueDrop's Enviro's Constructed Wetland System has been recognized as promising system in comparison with other conventional sewage treatment technology.

The reasons are:

  • High removal efficiency
  • Less sludge or almost no sludge generation
  • Low Energy requirement
  • Design simplicity
  • No greenhouse gas emission, and
  • Low operation-maintenance cost.
  • Adaptability for various climatic conditions

Zero (Passive Wetlands) to minimal electricity (Aerated Constructed Wetlands) required to run the Constructed wetlands STP. The low energy requirement in the CWs helps preserves the natural resources which further minimizes the pollution through burning of fossil fuels thus lowers the greenhouse gases level in the environment.

Our system required less than 1 sq. meter for 1 KLD of wastewater treatment.

Bluedrop Enviro's Constructed Wetland STPs has the effective life of 30 years or even more due to advanced technology. This life span is double to triple life span compared to conventional (SBR/MBBR) systems. This life span leads to huge savings.

The major components of BlueDrop Enviro's Constructed Wetlands system consists of carefully chosen water plants species based on the specific region climatic conditions (Phragmites Australia, Typha Latifolia etc.) and media (sand, gravel, saw dust, biochar etc.). Both these components act as a filter and plays important role in removing suspended solids, organic matter, nutrients, trace elements and pathogens from municipal sewage.

In our Constructed wetland STP's bioconversion of pollutants takes place by natural physical, chemical and biological processes such as photorespiration, photosynthesis, mineral weathering, microbial degradation etc.

BlueDrop Enviro designers and engineers carefully design each project based on the inlet capacity and purpose of reuse of treated water.

When sewage enters the wetland basin removal of solids takes place through sedimentation process. Removal of organic matter, nutrients and larger particles are naturally broken down by microbes and the plants species in the wetland basin. Heavy metals removal takes place by absorption and adsorption in the root system of plants. Pathogenic removal takes place by takes place through sedimentation, filtration, natural die off, predation and disinfection (Chlorination, UV and ozonation) process.

After treatment the water can be used for various purpose such as irrigation, gardening, and other recreational purpose. The treated water can also be discharged to surface water due to its high quality as per discharge standards. Therefore, CWs can be considered as a techno-economically feasible and affordable natural treatment system for municipal sewage treatment.

BlueDrop Enviro's CW STP does not require any skilled Manpower. Least mechanical operations and no breakdowns reduces the cost of O&M. A part time gardener can look for the maintenance of our system.

Once intwoor three based on the capacity and nature of the inlet water.

Studies showed that around 70% of the wastewater is directly being discharged into the water bodies without treatment. The existing sewage treatment facility in India has been compromised due to poor operation and maintenance practices. Most of the sewage treatment plants are dysfunctional due to lack of skilled personnel, lack of energy sources, poor operation and maintenance (O&M), even sometimes lack of influent volume makes the treatment plants to run under capacity provides effluent of low quality.

Most popular and common sewage treatment technology such as activated sludge process (ASP), sequential batch reactor (SBR), moving bed membrane bioreactor (MBBR) fails to provide effluent of desired quality due to high investment on O&M, dependency on skilled manpower due to complex design and sophisticated electro-mechanical components. The ground realities of dysfunctional conventional treatment system arebeing reflected in deteriorating surface water bodies.

Therefore, in order to restore the quality of surface water bodies, it is highly recommended to treat wastewater using cost effective, easy to operate, easy to maintain wastewater treatment system (WWTS). In comparison of conventional WWTS or passive wetland systems which also tend to choke & cause bad odours, Hybrid/Aeration Integrated Constructed Wetland Systems that are being built by BlueDrop are standing out as superior alternativesto dysfunctional WWTS.

These Aeration Integrated Constructed Wetland Systems ensure minimal O&M expense requiring only a part time gardener to run the show, low energy requirement, no harmful emission, no odor with added biodiversity all around.

Advanced & configurable design to achieve a compact footprint is the Uniqueness of BlueDrop's capabilities. Any underperforming conventional system built on SBR or MBBR or MBR or Extended Aeration can easily be augmented by adding a small portion of BlueDrop's Aerated Wetlands to meet PCB norms and to get the best output water quality.

Well, if retrofitting is required, we can repurpose the existing civil construction, some of the functional equipment while building compact aerated wetlands to create an all new & aesthetically pleasing Sewage or Effluent Treatment plant just the way we did for NISA

CWs is a nature-based treatment process so it requires less maintenance and also achieves its treatment efficiency even at high concentration of pollutants as macrophytes works along with microorganism to achieve effluent quality.